Thursday, February 28, 2008

Dad's Favorite sayings and phrases

Since the anniversary of Dad's death is coming up next month, I thought I would compile a list of some of Dad's sayings:

"If that's so much fun, get someone to do it to you!"
"ornery cuss" "potlicker"
"There's no way known to man..."
"Tip the table this way."
"This isn't for dumb kids."
"There's a reward out for my.....[insert name of lost item]"
"Heeeaaaa-ven Sake!"
"I have a little money for my own personal use."
"Kids, we have got to stop spending money."
"Your mom is a gourmet cook."
"How's the world's greatest [insert name or title here]"
"kiss hug"
"If I'd known you were coming, I'd have baked a cake."

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